Free Six Week Writer’s Workshop

18 writing and word activities, six weeks, all ages, in a workshop format

Does any of this sound familiar?

Writer’s Workshop.

The name conjures up thoughts of classrooms, mini-lessons, writers, and sharing.

A few years ago, we hosted a Writer’s Workshop in our home. The eclectic group of student writers formed a writer’s bond and we enjoyed hearing stories from week to week. We had to give it up when our oldest got sick. Sometimes you have to step back from things or change things up.

I decided it would be fantastic to start one again just for our family.

Writing adventures.

Sharing stories.

Writing for an audience.

Encouraging one another.

But, it’s always fun to have people to play with, right?
So, I thought it would be fun to try leading you through a workshop experience.


Write with a Purpose

Writing for an audience changes everything about your writing. Watch as your student’s writing voice takes shape.


Offer Feedback to Other Writers

Learn how to impact other writers in a positive way through real and meaningful feedback.


Engage in Word Play

The best way to make friends with words of all kinds is to play with them. We’ll offer fun ways to play with words.

What if you could…

Create an environment for budding authors, reluctant writers, and their friends to write and share their writing together.

You Don’t Have to Sacrifice Creativity & Freedom of Multiple Ages in Order to Have a Successful Homeschool Writing Workshop!

Engaging in a writer’s workshop introduces students to writing for an audience and practicing the writing life with family and friends of all ages!


The Free Six Week Writer’s Workshop

Imagine having a workshop environment for all ages to enjoy writing and offering feedback
When you enroll in the free Writer’s Workshop, you can enjoy it with your family and friends.

pen cup on a book stack with a quote

Here’s What You Get with the Workshop:

There are six workshop sessions with three activities plus share time as listed below. Or you can run the workshop activities in any order you’d like.

<a target="_self" aria-label="<strong><strong>Writing Quest</strong>–
Writing Questa short, fun activity to do as individuals and sometimes as a group. If the activity lends itself to sharing, include some share time for the quest.
Workshop Prompta writing prompt given during the workshop for students to write during the workshop time. Set a time limit and when time is up, students share their writing.
Share Timea time for students to read their writing from home. This can be anything they are working on or an assignment from a previous workshop.
Take Home PromptIn the past, my students have asked for assignments to take home. They love having something to work on between the workshops and you’ll find that as students begin to share, they will have a fan following. Often other students will request more from a student writer and it’s fun to see a writer’s voice take shape while writing for an audience. Homework is a big piece of that fun.

Benefits of a Writer’s Workshop

The weekly workshop is open to anyone. No one is too young or old to join in. It’s amazing to watch older kids give younger kids feedback and vice versa. Make sure parents sign on. The lessons are for you to facilitate with your kids!

Write Regularly for an Audience

Set aside time for writing that helps your teens to meet writing goals by writing for others to receive feedback

Develop Your Writer’s Voice

Writing for an audience, hones a writer’s voice. Amazing things happen when writing falls into that groove!

Learn How to Give Feedback to Others

As listeners, our students get to look for golden lines and things they enjoy about the writing. And they can offer specific ideas for improvement as well.

This workshop is for you if:

You want to help your students to develop their writer’s voice
You want to mentor your teens and their peers during an informal writing session
You want a writing workshop for multiple ages

This workshop is NOT for you if:

The only writing you want your teens to do is formal practice
You are hesitant to do writing in a group format
Your schedule is already packed and you don’t have an hour once a week for six week

Join Us for a Free Writer’s Workshop

Join us for a six week Writer’s Workshop where you’ll have access to 18 activities within a six week framework. You can organize and distribute them any way you’d like, but they are delivered in a course with six sessions of three activities each.

The Writer’s Workshop Experience

Let’s hear from writers on the topic of writing!

Keeping a writer’s notebook is one of the best ways I know of living a writing kind of life.

– Ralph Fletcher, A Writer’s Notebook

Heather Woodie at Blog, She Wrote

Meet Heather

I’m on a mission to help families with Out-of-the-Box Teens homeschool high school with peace and confidence.

​Homeschooling four of our own Out-of-the-Box Teens, two of whom graduated and are thriving at their dream ​schools with large scholarships and an Ivy League admission, I want to mentor other families to homeschool differently with purpose and peace.

I went from a public school science educator with a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Secondary Education, to homeschooling four kids in a project based, relaxed environment.

​If I can leave behind convention and homeschool Out-of-the-Box Teens, meeting them where they are, so can you!

Sign up for Our Free Writer’s Workshop

Enjoy a six week workshop with 3 activities for each session that’s designed for students of all ages. You can work with other families, friends, or just your own family. Register today!

Writer’s Workshop FAQs

Click on the question to find out the answer to some of the things students ask the most!

Does it cost anything to sign up for the Writer’s Workshop?

The Six Week Writer’s Workshop is completely free!

How do I get to the Writer’s Workshop?

Follow the link to purchase the Workshop free in my shop. You’ll find the Workshop under “My Courses” when you are logged in.

How long will I have access to the Workshop?

You will always have access to the Writer’s Workshop in your account. Access is permanent once you sign up.

What ages is the Writer’s Workshop for?

The Six Week Writer’s Workshop is for all ages. In fact, the Workshop is the most fun and inviting when you have multiple ages participating.

Can I use this for an English credit?

While the Six Week Writer’s Workshop is a lovely addition to any high school (or younger) English and Language Arts credit, by itself it is not a whole credit’s worth of work.

Do we have to do the workshop as written?

You are free to organize the lesson and activities in any way that works for your group.

I’ve never hosted a Writer’s Workshop before. It is hard to do?

The directions for hosting your own Writer’s Workshop are all included with the workshop. Get started and have fun!

Sign up for the Free Writer’s Workshop Today

Sign up for the free writer’s workshop today and get started with your writing group.

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