Blog, She Spoke Podcast

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Welcome to Blog, She Spoke!

The homeschool podcast for independent and authentic learning.

The purpose of the podcast is to share content from the last ten years of blogging at Blog, She Wrote,

along with new ideas on how to foster a project approach with your middle and high schoolers

to help them find and refine their special talents.

Click on the pictures or links to stream the podcast on your favorite device.

Subscriptions will be available once more episodes are in place.

These Ten Things Make a Great Homeschool Day– A classic list of what it takes to have a great homeschool day. Not all ten need to happen on the same day!


The Problem of Over Scheduling: How Adding Margin Helps Our Kids to Cast Vision– Casting vision is one of the things we do well here in our homeschool. How do you slow down to help your kids and teens to figure out who they are and what they are good at?


Morning Time with Teens– How to have a successful Morning Time with Teens

Look for more podcasts as we get our production schedule moving.

I’ll be sharing more about how to help your kids and teens steward their talents through purposeful homeschooling.

