It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

when it comes to homeschooling your Out of the box, sick, & Neurodivergent teens
Sign up to work with your teen’s brain instead of against it




About Heather

I’m on a mission to help families with out of the box, sick, and neurodiverse teens homeschool high school with purpose and peace. We’ve homeschooled teens with severe chronic illnesses, ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression, guided them through the high school years and successfully launched them to college with scholarships, an Ivy League admission, and part time community college. Our youngest is a senior in high school and he is the most out of the box of them all. Our two oldest finished college, graduating with honors and distinction. Now they are both thriving, one as a technical writer and the other as an entrepreneur. I want to help you to navigate the challenges you have with your teen, whether they have a diagnosis or not, so that your teen can have a personalized high school experience that meets their needs and gain successful college admission to a school which will help them to thrive.