March Nature Journal Calendar

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It’s time for another installment of the nature journal calendar. Enjoy March for its ability to usher in spring- sometimes in the most subtle ways. Will it come in like a lion or a lamb? Take the time to observe and take in March using the March Nature Journal Calendar.

How to Use the Nature Journal Calendar

There’s no right or wrong way to use the nature journal calendar. Here are a few tips:

  • Download your printable calendar.
  • Print the calendar.
  • Use the prompts both on the calendar and below to explore some elements of February nature.
  • Draw or write your observations in the blank calendar squares. That’s why there are so many blank spaces- so you don’t feel pressured to do a million things and so that you have room to doodle it up right on the calendar.
  • Put them together in a notebook or handmade book and wait for next month and a new calendar.
  • Have fun!

March Nature Connections

If you live in the southern portion of the U.S., you’ll be seeing spring at your door step very soon. Here in upstate NY, we have to look for the signs of spring which aren’t so obvious because the weather won’t be regularly warm for some time yet.

  • Listen for the Wind– It’s Leap Day evening as I prepare this post and the wind is howling. I’d say March is living up to its reputation already! Why is the month of March known for wind? Try to fly a kite!
  • Look for New Birds– March will see birds arriving back for the winter. Which species are the first to arrive? Males usually are on the scene first. Can you name why?
  • Notice How the Birds Behave– What do you hear? What are the birds up to? All winter we see them feeding most of the time. As March wears on, the birds will be busy with other activities.
  • Spring Equinox– Spring arrives meteorologically in March. What is the equinox?
  • Mud Season– Do you know what this is? Winter snows melt into spring mud. I didn’t know about mud season until I moved to NY State.
  • Seek out Vernal Pools– These are wet places or small ponds that only appear in the spring. They are important habitats. Learn more about them and what lives there!

Record other nature observations in your calendar. Depending on where you live, March might be much more active than just the things I’ve named.

March 2016 Nature Journal Calendar

Books for Nature Study in March

I like to share favorites from our nature library each month. Make sure to check these out.

  • Keeping a Nature Journal– You can’t miss being inspired by these drawings, ideas, and explanations.
  • Pets in a Jar– We’ve had a lot of fun with this title over the years. As critters emerge you can observe them and learn what they eat.
  • WoodsWalk– Fun ideas for taking a walk in the woods and observing all around you.
  • One Small Square Backyard– The perfectly illustrated series for noticing what’s right in your backyard

March Literature Connections

Here are a few books with a mention of early spring. If they don’t quite fit, they are still wonderful stories!

More March Fun at Blog, She Wrote

Geography Quest St. Patrick Edition

Geography Quest St. Patrick Edition– Learn more about this missionary to Ireland and his travels.

Geography Quest Iditarod Edition– Get ready to follow along with this great race. The start up is this month!


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