Nature Journal Calendars

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Time in nature is not leisure time; it’s an essential investment in our children’s health (and also, by the way, in our own). – Richard Louv, The Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder.

We’re making nature study simple with a Nature Journal Calendar.

All of the calendars have been updated to be used no matter what year it is.

Feel free to fill in the dates and the current year on your own.

How to Use the Nature Journal Calendar

There’s no right or wrong way to use the nature journal calendar. Here are a few tips:

  • Download your printable calendar.
  • Print the calendar.
  • Use the prompts both on the calendar and below to explore some elements of nature in September.
  • Draw or write your observations in the blank calendar squares. That’s why there are so many blank spaces- so you don’t feel pressured to do a million things and so that you have room to doodle it up right on the calendar.
  • Put them together in a notebook or handmade book and wait for next month and a new calendar.
  • Have fun!

Supplies for Nature Exploration

Nature Journal Calendars

It doesn’t take much to enjoy the outdoors, but you might want to have a few things on hand. Know your kids and what they like best. Choose the items that will make your outings the most fun.

  • Field Guides– of all kinds like birds, mammals, insects, flowers, and trees. You can take a moment to learn what something is right away or make a drawing or take a picture to look it up later.
  • Dichotomous Keys– Great for noticing detail and narrowing down specimens by observing traits.
  • Collection Vials– these can be Rubbermaid containers or other household items
  • Camera– You can take pictures of your favorite finds and identify them or draw them back at home
  • Journal– for drawing and making notes
  • Pencil– for taking notes and sketching
  • Watercolor Pencils– for easy watercolors on the go. Make the drawing and do the water at home.
  • Travel Watercolor Set– My daughter has two sizes and uses a water brush with them.
  • Binoculars– to get a close up look at something far away

Calendars by Month

Below are listed all the calendars by the month they were published. Each post contains the calendar download with ideas for exploration and space for recording along with literature ideas, nature books to go along with that month, and extra nature exploring ideas.

Nature Journal Calendar Bundle eBook

The Nature Journal Calendars are available month by month as a free download.

If you’d like to have one eBook with all the calendars inside along with some tips for using your calendars,

subscribe and I’ll drop the eBook into your inbox!

More Nature Journaling Help

Tools for the Watercolor Artist– All the must have supplies along with our favorites

How to Make a Plant Journal– Everything you need to know to put together your own plant journal

Art & Nature Study with Beatrix Potter – Miss Potter was a naturalist and artist. Join us for this unit study all about her nature and art

Inspiring Tools for the Nature Artist– a list of the supplies we like to have on hand for our nature studies and art



















