Chemistry {Family Style}

I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is I have a post to share with you today and it’s going to elude to some great notebook paper notebook pages. The bad news is that I had the dates wrong on our Hopscotch Series.We start next week. Please accept my sincerest apologies. Obviously, I am excited too! In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy a glimpse of our work in chemistry so far.

We are using Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry Level I which is a ten week chemistry class. Once we’ve used more of it, I’ll be posting a review of this one over at Curriculum Choice. In addition to Real Science, we are using Cooking and Science both the elementary and secondary editions. I picked them up from Rainbow Resource at our homeschool convention last year and this year. The kids love these labs! Our first experiment was about dissolving.

These fantastic books can be found at Rainbow Resource.

We started with a lab from the elementary book and we dissolved a powder into a liquid.

The kids did some good lab drawings. The one on the left is J7’s. On the right is R12’s.

We had our dictionaries on hand to check out definitions. I learned first hand what a stink definition a dictionary can supply. Melting really should not be in the meaning of dissolving. Really. The kids have enjoyed working together on chemistry.

Tomorrow we are going do a bread baking lab and it will be really comprehensive. I’m excited to share our results when they are complete. As you can see, the elementary level has typed lab sheets. However, the secondary level does not. So, we’ll be using notebook paper to add to our lab notebook. Next week I’ll add some details and pictures to what we’re doing as scientists at home.

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