Reading Games- RME Style


For all of you RME users out there, did you know that Ms. Bendt has flashcards available for each section of the book? You just need to email her and she will send them to you. Visit and see for yourself! We use these to do matching with the pictures and the words, but you could easily print them all again and make a concentration game. What’s nice is that she has the visual cues included. Later on you’ll have a choice of whether to print with our without the cues. So nice!

The short a family…

Short a with some new silent letters!

All done! Look at all those words J5 can read!

J5 is moving right along. I really like the additions to Reading Made Easy that have been made. You have the option for more practice using RME materials if you need them and if not, you can use the manual only. If you do need more practice, there are workbooks available now as well which I really like.

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  1. Ooh! Those look nice, Heather. Kanye just finished RME a week or so ago, but Kadar could definitely use them. Off to email Valerie Bendt.

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