Sewing Kit for a Boy
I9 has been sewing so much lately that for Christmas we outfitted him with his own sewing kit. He thanked us and so did his sister! What does a boy find in a sewing kit?
One of the “musts” is a set of fabric markers. We added thread, pins, needles, and some small scissors. |
R11 made him an angry birds pin cushion. |
She also made him a needle book. |
He LOVED the fabric markers. He used to borrow R’s all the time. She is also happy he has his own. |
Also included in the kit was a $10 gift card to JoAnn Fabrics. I thought he might go for fabric, but he really wanted a pair of fabric scissors. I stopped short of buying them since the kit was hedging on spendy (I opted out of full boxed kits as they are generally girly in theme), but he was really focused on getting himself a pair. I waited for the current JoAnn’s flyer to arrive and then we purchased them. We bought the Gingher Feather Weights which are really nice for smaller hands. R11 has the same pair. He’s a leftie so we had to be careful they could accommodate him. He also decided to get a tape measure while we were there- opting to spend some of his other Christmas money to be able to get it. Now he thinks he’s all set! Stay tuned for more boy sewing adventures!