Using Ordinary Notebook Paper Day 10: Planners & Assignment Books


Welcome to iHN’s Hopscotch at Blog, She Wrote! My topic for the 10 day series is Ten Ways to Use Ordinary Notebook Paper. Thank you for joining me. Please take a moment to subscribe, so you don’t miss out- you can follow, subscribe by email or RSS feed (just look to the right!) and follow Blog, She Wrote on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. I’d love it if you’d stay connected and visit again!

Today’s notebook paper topic is: Planners and Assignment books. No series on using notebook paper would be complete without another look at my simple spiral planner and the assignment books I use with my kids. I started out with a store bought college ruled spiral and now I make my own with the ProClick and some of my favorite 8.5 x 11 Staples college ruled notebook paper.

The assignment books allow us to lay out the day’s work for each student and it’s a place for them to write down the other things they do for the day. Here’s an excerpt from my first post on assignment books– “We all love the new assignment books. The kids like to see things laid out for them and I like giving them the target for the day and being able to dialogue with them about it. One of the things I like best is the simple lined paper format for each day. Once again, it’s very freeing and it’s been very effective so far.” Click the link on the original post to read more about how we came to using this format.

Of course my planner is plain notebook paper as well and I still adore it even after I made the modern edition two and a half years ago. Very early in our homeschooling I used a spiral notebook and after years of forms and organizing formats, I decided to simplify again and it’s one of the best homeschooling decisions I’ve ever made. The link will take you to all the posts on my notebook paper planners. Some are the more recent style, but this link will take you to my first post and you’ll see where I was and how I arrived at the picture above. I invite you to read it and experience the freedom of a simple planner!

I mentioned a bonus post and you’ll see it sometime soon. I’ll place in the category here with the other notebook paper ideas. I appreciate your feedback during this Hopscotch series and I hope this series has been helpful to you.

Thanks for joining me!

Please visit the other bloggers participating in iHN’s Hopscotch over the next two weeks. While you are taking a look at the other Hopscotchers, check out the Pin It to Win It giveaways sponsored by Prufrock Press.

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