Top 10 Reasons We are Looking Forward to a New Homeschool Year!

Welcome to the Ten Weeks of Top Ten Lists sponsored by Many Little Blessings and the Bunches of bloggers will be sharing their Top Ten lists on various topics over the next ten weeks. 

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This Week’s topic is Top 10 Reasons we are looking forward to a new Homeschooling Year. In no particular order, here we go:

  • New Beginnings- a new school year is a chance to start over no matter how the previous year ended.
  • New Supplies- because really…who among us does not love new school supplies and materials?
  • New or Revised Goals– it’s a chance to really consider our children anew and adjust the direction and intention of their schooling.
  • New House– beginning with this new homeschool year, we’ll be in our long awaited new home (as of Friday/Saturday!)
  • New Learning Areas– along with a new home (and more than one bathroom for the six of us) we will have new learning areas to spread out in!
  • New home for the computers– that will be distant from our school table (which right now is right behind the computer desk). This will mean less distraction for the kids all around. Sure it will!
  • New location– ok so the new house is a big deal, but we will be in town and just a few minutes away from our co-op rather than our current half hour.
  • New Course Work– everyone looks forward to a new focus for the year. Want a preview? We’ll be doing second grade FIAR, Quilting with History, American Government- including electoral process, formation, and lots of Founding Father stuff, Above and Beyond FIAR, BYFIAR, and more One Year Adventure Novel. Oh and Chemistry! Plenty of chemistry for the whole family…
  • New Math Ideas and Activities– I have some fun plans to sit down with my kids and really enjoy math with them with games, cooking, projects, and notebooking. I’m really jazzed about it!
  • New Opportunities– I have plans to create more margin in our school days and continue with Sewing Camp (in our new and bigger location) and I’d like to do a Book Club for the kids.

You can probably see a common theme here…since late January we have been preoccupied with preparing out house to list, listing it, showing it, looking for a new one, and finally- in the 11th hour finding one to purchase by the grace of God alone! Our home was found through our homeschooling group and had not even been listed yet. So, our new beginning is more dramatic this year and I’m looking forward to focusing on school again and not on the basics of providing shelter! We are all excited to move this weekend. In the meantime, there is work left to do!

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  1. Your post has helped get more in the mood for back to school. This was our first year to really take a break during the summer and I think I have enjoyed it as much as my daughter. We use an online curriculum (Time4Learning) as our core and they will let you take off without losing your place. Guess I better start preparing my child for the fact that bedtime is going to come earlier very quickly. HA HAJoyfully,JackieMy Attempt at BloggingQuaint Scribbles and 3 D Learners

  2. Congratulations, moving is tiring and exciting. When you have time, would love to hear more of your math ideas. Seems to be where I struggle to keep things engaging. Thanks!Jennifer

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