Working with Batik
We’ve been busy packing and preparing for a camping trip next week, but we’ve also managed some reading and creative time. We’d thought we’d share what R12 is up to with her new fabric.
I’ll be sure to report on progress. It’s hard to keep up the good sewing with a tiny room full of moving boxes. The good news is that in about 4 weeks R12 will have a new, bigger room with more room to spread out her creativity.
Great video!! I had always wondered what a Batik was and now I know. We definitly need more sewing videos from R. 🙂 So is the waistband she did out of an old t-shirt or some sort of t-shirt fabric? Did she make it the exact size of her waste or smaller? What kind of measurements did she use for the skirt part? Inquiring minds want more info so they can sew up some skirts. 🙂 I think writing up a tutorial with accompanying video would make a great homeschool project. ;)Tiffany
Great idea Tiffany! I'll put R on the job this weekend and see what she can do. We are packing to move, but I bet she could use a diversion. Her machines are going in the van with us- not to be packed away!I can tell you she cut the waistband from one of my old tshirts. And it's stretchy so the waist isn't an exact measurement. Stay tuned and thanks for leaving a comment!Heather