Needle Book
Ok…completely giving up for now on moving pictures around in these posts. Blogger has made it super easy to load up pictures, but I can’t move them around as well anymore once they are uploaded. So, I have to load them all at once. So please excuse the out of order pictures. You’ll get the idea!
I can’t seem to add to the bottom of a post after pictures are posted either. Blah! Anyway, I hope you don’t mind me sharing the Sewing School we have going on. R10 is so oriented toward this work with her hands either by hand or by machine that it is just a great way to do school with her. So, I like to share with others what we do so that you can try it also.
The finished outside of the needle book |
The inside of the finished needlebook |
The outside opened finished needlebook! |
R10 got the idea for the needle book from the Little House craft book. |
She is pretty good at gathering her materials and getting going on a project. A piece of felt held us up some, but it turned out really well. |
That is super cute!
Heather – The needle book is really cute. I found your blog from the FIAR board and am enjoying it and your FIAR insight. If you use a PC to blog I would highly recommend that you check out Windows Live Writer. It is free and will change the way you blog. I used it for years before switching to the Mac. Unfortunately there is no Mac equivalent so I am going through withdrawals and am back to dealing with the Blogger interface. Good luck.
Thank you Pam and since you are the second person to tell me that since this change over, I'm going to sweet talk my IT guy (aka Dan, my husband) into downloading this little program for me.Thanks for reading and for commenting!Heather
Cute! Hey, I move pictures in blogger by right clicking, cutting, then pasting it where I want it in the post. I have a macbook, so don't know if that makes a difference, but give it a try.
This looks like a great book! I picked up a couple from used bookstore but not very helpful to a novice sewer like me. :)Kelly