Are You Surprised by Your Teen?

Surprises can be fun! But Homeschooling High School with out-of-the-box teens can be a discouraging process when your teen just doesn’t seem to click with your methods or the methods easily used by other siblings. Are You Surprised by Your Teen? is a challenge to you as a homeschool mom to adjust your thinking when it comes to homeschooling your Out-of-the-Box type teens.

teen boy sitting at a piano

Today’s topic is all about when we’re surprised by our teens.

Does that ever happen to you?

You could be surprised by:

  • insights they provide on an issue
  • super mature responses to things going on around them
  • how different they are from you
  • how much you are like your teens
  • how they approach their learning
  • their desire to pursue things their own way
  • difficulties that arise when you don’t agree on how to get something done

Not all of these surprises are negative.

Actually, surprises when it comes to teens and how they learn can be good!

Once you can adjust your mindset and begin to work with your student’s learning strategies, learning and the results of learning take off at new levels.

Have you tried to shift your thinking when it comes to teaching high school?

You might be really surprised at the results!

Does Your Teen Challenge You?

two teenage boys playing life sized chess in a battle pose
Our remaining high schoolers surprised me recently with some expressions not typical for them or chess players!

Today I want you to consider what it means to have a homeschooling mentor by your side!

This past summer, I offered Group Coaching for the first time to go with the course, Homeschooling High School by Design.

Coaches teach and train their students.

Could you use a homeschooling high school coach?

Someone to guide you through those unexpected moments with teens you don’t quite understand?

Answer a few questions for me and leave a comment because I’d love to hear from you!

  • Do you have a firm handle on what your high school looks like?
  • Is your teen thriving in your homeschool- or do you have a teen struggling to meet your expectations?
  • Does your teen want to follow a path in high school that is not what you expected or know what to do with?
  • Could you use help in working with and planning for your Out-of-the-Box Teen?

Leave a comment and tell me about it!

In the meantime, I want you to meet Sharon and hear about her experience in the first ever Group Coaching for Homeschooling High School by Design.

Sharon started the coaching session thinking she knew why she’d chosen to participate only to find out she had some surprises in store.

That surprise was LIFE CHANGING for her 8th grader.

Sharon had a light bulb moment that was unexpected and it’s making all the difference in the world for her son.

I want to help you to have your own light bulb moment when it comes to teaching your teens at home.

Group Coaching Experience- First Hand!

computer screen with course on it

The story below is from Sharon herself and I can’t wait for you to read about how Homeschooling High School by Design and the Group Coaching impacted her and her homeschool.

I have followed “Blog, She Wrote” for many years, since my boys were small, and we first started homeschooling. It’s always been one of my favorite homeschooling blogs.

When I found out last year that Heather was offering a “Homeschooling High School by Design” online course the summer before my oldest son began 9th grade, I was so excited to purchase it. I used it that first summer on my own to set a four-year plan in place and schedule his first year of high school.

But throughout his 9th grade year I was still trying to figure out how to get him going on a project-based course.

Enter the Group Coaching that Heather offered this past summer! I signed up almost immediately. Being able to talk with Heather face-to-face in a group setting twice a week was invaluable.

I was able to work through the course a second time, this time jotting down questions as I went and asking them to Heather directly when we met together.

The availability of a dedicated Facebook page just for our group was also helpful. We could ask questions of Heather or others in our group anytime we wanted to, and view past conversations.

I was able to finally understand how to help my oldest son, now headed into 10th grade, get started on a project-based course based on something of interest to him.

When You Are Surprised by Your Out-of-the-Box Teen!

However, I also had a surprise in store!

I signed up for the course with my oldest, my only high schooler, in mind. But as I talked with Heather and other members of the group, I realized that my younger son, heading into 8th grade this year, was my very out-of-the-box kid!

My older son does well with almost any curriculum, but my younger son was drowning in schoolwork that just wasn’t meeting the needs of his wonderful, quirky personality.

School had become drudgery for him.

With the support and ideas of Heather and others in our group, I was able to understand his learning style and personality more clearly.

Over the summer I was able to pull apart his curriculum and put it back together in a way that meets his unique needs.

I feel like I got a two for one deal!

” I am so satisfied with the coaching and the course, and so thankful I took the plunge and gave it a try. “

I will most definitely be signing up for “Homeschooling College by Design” when the time comes!

I cannot recommend Heather’s coaching enough!

woman leaning on a text box with a quote inside

Group Coaching Offers Mentoring So You Can Homeschool High School with Peace & Confidence

Group Coaching was invaluable to the families who participated this summer.

I have more stories to share with you!

Let’s talk about the format of Homeschooling High School by Design with the Group Coaching.

This fall the session will be four weeks long and here’s how it will work!

Coaching Calls:

  • One and a half to two hours each time- depending on the numbers participating and our conversation
  • Two calls will be scheduled each week- so that you can make it to at least one call.
  • Video calls will be recorded- and you’ll have access to them inside a Facebook group and inside a course on the blog.
  • Watch the calls any time- after they are uploaded to my website.

Weekly Check ins:

  • In a closed Facebook group on Mondays- you can chime in that day or whenever you are able that week
  • These check ins will follow along with the course materials in order for the most part- especially the first half of the course which is nuts and bolts type stuff.

Daily Questions:

  • Inside the closed Facebook group- you can drop a question any time and I’ll check daily to answer your homeschooling high school questions.
  • Ask questions about your own situation- everyone will have that opportunity

New Content!

New this session are additional online lessons devoted to topics only available to coaching students.

These lessons will be available only if you purchase the Group Coaching option with Homeschooling High School by Design.

  • Book lists for high school– how to build a book list for your teen and why
  • High school level skills to incorporate into your custom built courses– what to expect from your high schooler
  • Writing strategies– and the one writing skill your teens must have before going to college
  • How to keep doors open for your teens– when it feels easier to close them
  • Teaching science in high school– how to accomplish lab science and what makes a good high school science course
  • Getting started with Project Based courses– where to start if you’ve never done one before (goes into implementation not just planning the courses)
  • More details on designing electives– to go along with expectations in high school
  • Teaching fine arts– how to mentor your creative teen and thoughts on what to do about a portfolio
  • Teaching high school math– tips and resources for working in this area with your teens
  • Foreign language requirements– what to do with this requirement and resources for completing it
  • Computer Science in high school– resources and recommendations
  • Social studies in high school– what courses to include like history and beyond
  • Unique learners– more detail on resources and strategies, expanding on information in the original course

You will have access to the video calls, the Facebook group, and the online courses (both the regular and advanced courses) forever.

So, your only rigid time is to make one coaching call a week and we’ll schedule those together with your input!

To make the most of our time together, going through the course together is important too, but that can happen more naturally through the weekly check ins as you have time.

a smiling woman with the text that says Homeschooling High School by Design + Powerful Group Coaching

Homeschooling High School by Design & Group Coaching Registration is Open!

Registration is open now for Homeschooling High School by Design with the Group Coaching Option!

  • The original course is open now– and remains available year round
  • The Group Coaching with the advance course is only open this week– Group coaching will be offered again in the spring.
  • Group Coaching students get Dream Big & Take Action Goal Conquering for Teens– as a bonus for signing up (a $47 value)!
course materials on devices with a title
Access is FREE for Group Coaching students!

Any time is a great time for learning more about your Out-of-the-Box Learner and how you can adjust your expectations while maintaining the academic standards in your homeschool.

So, head over and enroll in Homeschooling High School by Design with the Group Coaching!

Are You Believing These 10 Myths about Your Out-of-the-Box Teen?

Subscribe to Blog, She Wrote to see how those myths are holding your Out-of-the-Box teen back!

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