Salt Dough Maps- Step by Step

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So, we’ve been working on salt dough maps over the last week. Everyone should do this at least once. I mean why just draw or color a map when you can build one and paint one? It makes a tidy mess and a pot to wash and when it’s all done you get to store it somehow until the social studies fair or you can’t stand it any more. Whichever comes first. I highly recommend it.

The first step is to draw an outline of your map or country or whatever onto a piece of cardboard. The kids draw the shape of their country onto a thin piece of cardboard. I mix up the dough according to the directions and let the kids cover their areas first. Then they consult the map and try to match the topographical information with their sculpting skills. Once it has been built up we add toothpick paper labels and set them aside to dry. Once good and dry (think 48 hours), you can paint on top. Then are you all set! Make sure the supplies get put away!

The recipe comes from this book- a compliation of the Kid Concoction Books. The couple writes this serise has a neat story. I saw them last year at the MOPS Int’l convention. The salt dough recipe is easy and quick and it doesn’t make too much of a mess.

E9 is working on his map of Japan

R8 is doing Hawaii

I-6 is making Madagascar.

J3 is also making Madagascar…well he is making something fun that is what he thinks!

After the painting stage he insisted I take a picture of his hand.

R8 works on the ocean surrounding her islands


Hawaii- check out the multi colors- R8 is ever the artist!

J3’s finished product

And Madagascar… impressive no?

This evening after dinner the kids shared their islands with each other and got a chance to practice some oral skills and show off their hard work.

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  1. We tried one once… I’m thinking R was 6, T was 3, other T was 2 and C was a baby… do you think they’ve grown enough to try again lol! What was I thinking???

  2. Looks like fun! I’ve taken to making cookie maps with my kids. Then we have fun eating off our favorite parts and don’t have to store it until it rots!

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