September 9, 2008February 1, 2014 2 Comments Reading Time: 1 minute World Domination… games …RISK style! I just want to say that I am gray and I was about to own the world! Mwwahhhhaaaaa! E9 is going through another RISK phase. Lucky for us he loves a good game and he’s fun to play with! Tomorrow is his birthday…I wonder if we’ll be playing any new games. Stay tuned!
games | Homeschooling High School | life science | math | science 12 Easy Science and Math Games for Homeschooling High School
Heather, as usual, you’ve been up to much good! I love your schooling ideas!The children’s maps turned out great! I am very impressed. I may have to do one of Japan with Joseph, even though he’s nearly grown, and I AM grown. It’ll be fun. Right?Lynn
Heather, as usual, you’ve been up to much good! I love your schooling ideas!The children’s maps turned out great! I am very impressed. I may have to do one of Japan with Joseph, even though he’s nearly grown, and I AM grown. It’ll be fun. Right?Lynn
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