Teaching Sewing in Your Homeschool

My new article is up over at Heart of the Matter….they have a focus on fine arts going and I contributed an article about teaching kids to sew. Go on over and check it out. Leave a comment if you’d like. I do love comments.

Our ten year old daughter loves to sew! She’s been sewing for two years now and though I do sew, I’m no expert so I thought I’d share how we have fueled this passion for our daughter.

After we discovered that she had an innate skill with a sewing machine (through her grandmother), we had the good fortune of having two sewing class offerings at our homeschool co-op which we certainly took advantage of that season. Since then she has been sewing various projects at home and we have been sending her to a refashioning, cooperative sewing classroom for a few sessions/events throughout the year as time and finances allow.

I’ve learned a few things along the way from which I think others can learn.

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  1. Thanks this is what we are doing this year. Lol. I just looked at your header, laughed, I actually have that typewriter here in my office. Lol! That sounds corny but it was funny to me. Sorry. Thanks for the post!

  2. Great article Heather! My oldest daughter was reading it with me. Both of my daughters are learning to sew also. I am just finding it hard to find the time for it.

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