Ten Things to Know about Blog, She Wrote
We moved Blog, She Wrote to WordPress in January– it’s been a great transition. I love WordPress! I’m still working on updating menus and pages since the move. I’ll try to high light when I finish a task. Somehow it seems more fun to write new content rather than update older content. Until then, bear with me and if you are new welcome!
Affiliates & Sponsors– you’ll notice from time to time I share affiliate links and news from sponsors. While I’ve always had a few affiliates, I did not feature them often. The new FCC guidelines state that we must disclose our affiliate links and compensation for posts at the start of the post before the first link. So, if you are wondering why everyone is being so out there with it lately, that’s it. I choose to be an affiliate for products I use and want to endorse. You don’t always see buttons in my sidebar, but I will feature them in posts and they are in the menu under About This Blog. Additionally, after much consideration, I became an Amazon affiliate. I have always linked to Amazon, but I have not always been an affiliate. Thank for your support of Blog, She Wrote! I appreciate all of you.
You can find me in other places! I write for Curriculum Choice, Heart of the Matter, and starting in August, Bright Ideas Press Blog. Occasionally, I get to pick up guest posts on other education related websites. Getting to dip my foot into other blogging waters is exciting. I’ll be sure to let you know here on Blog, She Wrote when a post goes up elsewhere.
Blog, She Wrote enjoys social media! If you haven’t stopped by and joined the conversation on the facebook page, please do! You can also follow Blog, She Wrote on Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, and Instagram. If you don’t plug in that way, be sure to look at the sidebar which has my Twitter feed. If there’s a link, chances are it’s an Instagram photo which you can look at right from here! That will bring you more day to day moments in our homeschool. Stop by and say hello!
Coming soon weekly Geography Quests! Starting in August I’ll be challenging everyone with a weekly Geography Quest and sharing how we get the job done and what cool tools we use to do it. I hope you’ll join me. I’m pretty excited! I love to write about subject specific ideas.
I am a big fan of plain notebook paper– Last fall I wrote a series on Using Ordinary Notebook Paper in Your Homeschool. You don’t want to miss the spiral notebook planner. Three years later I’m still using the plain spiral planner and I don’t miss the boxes one bit! The sky is the limit when it comes to using loose leaf paper in your homeschool. If you have trouble keeping track of your printed notebooking pages, plain lined paper is for you!
Blog, She Wrote is six years old! I started blogging back in April of 2007. I have enjoyed learning and writing and I’m especially excited for the chance to share ideas on other outlets. Writing for an audience is really great fun and I’m so glad you all are here reading! Thank you!
I love to speak to groups! If you are local to me (upstate NY-ish), I do take this show on the road, so to speak. I’ve spoken to many MOPS groups and at the MOPS Int’l Convention. In addition, I’ve spoken at our state homeschooling convention a number of times along with local meetings and events. I’ve also done a lot of training and mentoring using online formats. If you are looking for a speaker, email me using the icon in the sidebar!
Blog, She Wrote is the blogging home of Adventure Boxes– Be sure to read this series and watch the video on creating adventures for your children. They are for summer time or any time!
We’ll be teaching high school, middle school, and elementary school next year. E14 will be starting 10th grade and I’ll have two middle schoolers- 8th and 6th grade. J8 will be a third grader. Whew! There are sure to be some fun blogging times ahead. I’m looking forward to sharing our curriculum choices with you soon.
As always, thank you for being a reader here at Blog, She Wrote. You might enjoy reading random thoughts from the other iHomeschool Network bloggers this week. I do believe this is our last Top Ten of the season. Thanks for joining us!
great to get to know a bit more about you! and i’m excited to check out the adventure boxes; they sound wonderful. and the geography! so much goodness 🙂
peace keep you.
Thanks for stopping by Kort! I’m still thinking on that Zine exchange!
I got mixed up on the top 10, and so somehow missed last week was the last one. Oops.
How about we keep going? What should we chat about next? haha
I really enjoy writing top ten posts…something about the structure I suppose!