Wild Plant Scavenger Hunt


Welcome to our Wild Plant Scavenger Hunt where you can look for perennial wild flowers in the park around our Little Free Library and in your neighborhood. If you are looking for more places to learn about plants, check out the Plant Journaling for Homeschoolers (or anyone) for some notebooking pages to record your adventures in nature and in the garden.

My blog sponsors a Little Free Library in the park behind our home.

Besides books, I love to leave out other educational goodies.

One of my favorite things to leave are learning activities to go with the books and the area around the little library.

A couple of seasons ago, I left this wild plant scavenger hunt in the library with some wildflower field guides.

The only problem?

They generated a ton of trash!

I’m so glad patrons took the scavenger hunts and used them (or looked at them?), but they were left on the ground around the library.

So, this time, we’re going for the digital version.

If you clicked through from the QR code at the library, hello and welcome!

No matter how you got to this scavenger hunt, you just need to download the hunt to your phone or tablet and enjoy!

Hello there from my Little Free Library!

How to Use the Wild Plant Scavenger Hunt

You can use the scavenger hunt in a variety of ways.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Download the scavenger hunt
  • You can also use the picture of the hunt right in this post
  • Look for the plants in the grid and see how many you can find
  • Use a field guide to see what else you can learn about the plants
  • Color the guide using the field guide references or any way you’d like
  • Remember the plants the next time you are out and about- can you find them again?

Download the Wild Plant Scavenger Hunt

Click the picture or download here to get your Scavenger Hunt and have fun!

Feel free to print the Wild Plant Scavenger Hunt!

Download More Plant Pages for Homeschoolers

If you subscribe, you can download an eBook of notebooking and journaling pages designed for you to write about the plants and other things you see on a walk in the woods or anywhere.

There are pages for 4-H fair collection entries and you’ll find them in quarter pages or full sized.


More from our Shop

For more STEM related activities and workshops, check out these listings from our shop.

Nature Journaling Course at The Masterpiece Society

If you want to learn more about keeping a nature journal, you can sign up for the nature journaling course through The Masterpiece Society.

The courses are sold as one complete set or in individual modules.

We love to learn about plants!

We also enjoy documenting the ones we know and the ones that are new to us.

Other Favorite Plant Journaling Helps

Plant Drawing Tricks by John Muir Laws– we’ve taken nature journaling courses in person from Jack Laws and it’s time well spent!

Homeschool Nature Study Blog– formerly The Handbook of Nature Study, packed full of Outdoor Hour lessons for summer time and any time.

International Nature Journaling Week– this theme was back to basics which will give you a great start on nature journaling

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