Best Resources for American History & Government

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This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for your support! Thanks to our sponsor Bright Ideas Press for the Civitas card game.

Everyone must teach and learn United States History at some point.

We start when our children are young telling stories about the Mayflower.

And we add to the story.

We add more layers.

We need tools for the job.

Here’s a list of our favorites and a chance to win a few.

Our Favorite U.S. History & Government Resources

All American History– provides a good scope and sequence for American History. We use it for high school with some modifications.

Geography Quests– These are short adventures in geography which include many topics of history for both the United State and the World. Many are themed studies. Check out the list!

Time Travelers US History Series– from Homeschool in the Woods. These are fabulous for kids who like to be hands on with their studies.

Make a State Activity Pack– from Homeschool in the Woods, you can make a lapbook for each state or purchase the map game separately.

Wonder Maps– This online atlas allows you to customize maps for printing. You can have your students focus on any feature you’d like.

US Map Bundle– from Pin It Maps. These are a lot of fun with a modern US map and two historical maps. Mounted on foam core and ready for labeling, these are gorgeous maps for interacting and display.

The Oregon Trail– card game. Fun little adaptation of the original computer game.

Professor Noggin History of the United States– We love Professor Noggin games. These are dice rolling trivia games with three levels of questions. You can also find United States Geography and a family favorite on Presidents of the United States.

Timeline American History Game– Have you played Timeline? This fun card game is packed with events and you must place them in order. The whole family can play together.

U.S. History & Government Back to School Fun Pack Giveaway

Just for fun, I’m giving away a set of 7 history and government books and the game Civitas from Bright Ideas Press. The books are both for young and older students. There’s something in here for everyone!

  • Civitas -This is a game that teaches about various forms of government. We were on the test team for this game. You’ll love it!

Enter the giveaway below and you’ll have a chance to win this fun pack bundle. The giveaway will close at 12:00 am on August 12, 2017.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Other bloggers with the iHomeschool Network are having back to school giveaways. Check them out!





















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  1. For American history I like to use a lot of resources, but my kids love movies so I will say Liberty Kids.

    1. I wish my kids loved time lines. As it is, they hate them. I could get away with it when they were little and still liked to cut and paste, but now? No way!

  2. What an awesome basket and blog!! I am putting together history for my 7th grader and there are some wonderful ideas in here!!

  3. I don’t have a favorite resource. I’ve been given so many, many books from other homeschooling moms and this coming year I’m going to be digging through them all as we learn about the 20th century. But I plan to interview my grandparents with my kids–I think that will be a BLAST to learn about the past several decades from them!

  4. So far our favorite US history resource has been visiting the national parks and historic sites, state historic sites, and using the junior ranger programs.

  5. So excited for the new school year. New year, new beginnings. Excited about the givaway.

  6. I don’t really have a favorite resource, but the youngers enjoyed Liberty’s Kids and it helped them remember who all the key figures were.

  7. I enjoy William Bennett’s “America: The Last Best Hope” books. My kids love field trips to history museums and historical sites.

  8. We tend to incorporate US history into a broader study of world history. I like the continuity it creates as my kids begin to see how history fits together. For middle school, we’ve loved supplementing our studies with primary source material using the Reading Like a Historian program from Stanford University. Great practice analyzing primary sources, lots of fun, and free!

  9. We like the Once-A-Week Unit Studies by Homeschool Legacy for American History–which incorporates a lot of literature. =)

  10. My favorite history resources are Homeschool in the Woods units and Beautiful Feet books. The Civitas game is something I recently discovered and added to my wishlist.

  11. Right now our favorite history resource is Winterpromise, my boys love their programs, and I really enjoy it as well.

  12. We’re new to homeschooling, so I don’t have a favorite, yet. We’re diving into TOG in a couple of weeks.

  13. I don’t have any particular U.S. History resource as we live in Canada 🙂 But I do use books from the library and documentaries on Youtube or Netflix as I believe being neighbors we should know about the country next to us. 🙂

  14. I don’t think we really have a favorite but the kids enjoy Liberty Kids & Drive thru History.

  15. Draw the USA by Kristin Draeger (any of her books are favorites around here for Geography), and looking forward to reading some Genevieve Foster this year with our American History study (Beautiful Feet Books collection)! Well Trained Mind has Jim Weiss offerings that I think we will enjoy as well. Thanks for all that you do, Heather! I will definitely be using some of your ideas here!

  16. I have to pick just one American history resource? I would say the “If You Lived” book series.

  17. Kids’ Guide to the 50 States: History, Geography, Fun Facts, and More – All From a Christian Perspective

    Also – an unconventional learning source is that we’ll be participating in a 50 state post card swap this year. Also a box swap with just a few states, but more hands on.

  18. History is our favorite subject! We have fun with Drive Thru History, but also My Father’s World puts together great books for our history studies. Last year we read Exploring American History, In God We Trust, George Washington’s World, The Last 500 Years and Story of the World, to name a few.

  19. I’m a new to homeschooling so I don’t have a preferred American History book yet. Right now we are using What Every Child Needs to Know About Western Civilization by Brimwood Press and so far we are loving it.

    This basket giveaway looks great!

  20. I have to admit I never found a history curriculum I liked so I’ve always put together my own with books, mini-units, and lapbooks. Our all-time favorite resource has been Liberty Kids! We’ve watched it multiple times! The first time while studying the American Revolution and the rest just for fun!

  21. My oldest is 5 so we haven’t started “real” history yet. We are planning on using Veritas Press, though. That being said, this looks awesome!

  22. Our favorite US history resource is Beautiful Feet Books. We love their living books selection.

  23. All American History and Wonder Maps. Notgrass History looks really good and we want to try that next year.

  24. I don’t have a favorite resource. I use different things to teach history.

  25. It’s been years since we covered American history, but we rolling back around to it. My big kid was much younger when we last studied it, but Liberty’s Kids was a nice supplement at that time. 🙂

  26. We don’t have a favorite resource as we are just starting history this year. Thank you for the wonderful ideas to check out, you have provided me with some excellent starting points!

  27. We haven’t found a favorite yet. I’ve only been able to piece together units here & there. I’ve been looking at All American History & the Notgrass History sets.

  28. This year is our second year of homeschool. Many veterans suggested to do World History in TWO years, so this year we’ll do Sonlight H which will finish off world. Next year, I’m not sure if I’ll stick to Sonlight, or try Notgrass…I’m eagerly reading the comments!!

  29. Liberty’s Kids and every book we can get our hands on! I love the books that have information about each state. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  30. We love the Liberty Kids series as well as any living books we pick up at the library about what or who we are studying!

  31. I”m not sure I could name ‘a’ favorite. We love living books, historical radio shows, movies, Liberty’s Kids, Schoolhouse Rock, source documents, field trips.

  32. We love Notgrass History. The kids love the Oregon Trail game and they loved reading the Little House on the Prairie books. Living books are the best resources for history too!

  33. The Library for now! Starting homeschool this year for our 10, 5 and 3 yr old. You’ve put together a special basket here. I’d feel blessed to win for me and my boys! Thank you for the chance!

  34. So far we have loved doing lap books and notebooking as we read through books about history.

  35. Our favorite resource for US history and all the other histories is Homeschool in the Woods!

  36. This will be my first time teaching it, so I don’t have a favorite yet. Thank you for the awesome recommendations!

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