August Pond Study

While we were enjoying our vacation at Fair Haven Beach State Park, we took some time to stop at Sterling Pond to do Barb’s Pond Study (this is an extra link to her Squidoo lens) from the August Newsletter. I have to tell you…I LUV her newsletters. What a terrific way to inspire families to explore more around them! If you haven’t seen them, please click over and enjoy! In fact, she put her September newsletter up today.

This marsh leads all the way up to the beach…

…and if you turn the other way, this is what you see! Lake Ontario sprawling before you.

We had biked to a place we call Apple Beach and on the way back stopped to do the pond study.

We did a little skimming at the pond’s edge. I have to say…spring time yields way more goodies to look at!

Sterling Pond- beyond those trees lies Lake Ontario

We found the perfect spot next to the pond with a brand new picnic table near the shore- can’t beat that!

From the August newsletter, this is a great challenge page. We had fun working on these throughout the week. Nature study always brings an extra element to our camping trips- mostly enjoyed by everyone!

J6 drew the pond’s edge and the picnic table where were seated along with everything on it.

Admittedly, this is my very favorite state park and I could manage many, many nature activities here. We visited another nature center nearby this year as well and I have some cool things to share from that excursion.

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  1. Looks great! I love the 3rd picture where you little guy is wearing his helmet for the pond study. LOL! I know, you were biking but I thought it was funny before I read the caption.

  2. I know Tracey! He was all about getting back on his bike, but hey he drew a great picture and took a lot of time with it. He just wanted to be ready when it was time.Can't blame a guy for wanting to continue his road trip!

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