Creating Other Worlds- Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction

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Blog, She Wrote: Creating Other Worlds- Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction

Ethan, our 11th grader, is a writer.

He loves to create worlds and activity within them.

When he was younger, his stories told a tale, but they often didn’t end concisely.

Or they simply ended.

A bit too concisely.

Now that he is half way through high school, we’ve been honing in on his interests and his course work reflects this.

Enter novel writing courses.

For the past two years, he has immersed himself in the many worlds of his novel settings.

Do you have a student who loves to write science fiction and fantasy?

Creating Other Worlds- Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing

2018 update- our high school senior completed her Nano Novel, called By Time Remembered.

If you are unfamiliar with the genres, suffice it to say the world in which the story takes place helps to set these stories apart from just any adventure tale.

In some way, the author of a fantasy and science fiction novel will build a world.

Sometimes the author creates a whole new fantastical world and sometimes it is a world within our world.

The basic story structure is carried over into “other worlds”.

In both fantasy & sci fi literature one main thing is the game changer.

  • Science Fiction– You’ll find one main scientific breakthrough or advance which changes how the story will play out or it can be a single change in history that gives the story its twist.
  • Fantasy– There will be something else magical about the world. For example, in Narnia the animals talk.

Resources for World Building

Does your student like to write and immerse himself in new worlds?

Here are a few links from the website Go Teen Writers to help students think about their world building.

Worldbuilding is a lot of work!

That’s why learning to write an adventure first is a good idea because it takes place in our world and you can concentrate on the story itself rather than building a world at the same time.

If you have a student working on writing herself a world, these posts will be very insightful.

Blog, She Wrote: Creating Other Worlds- Writing Fantasy & Science FictionUsing Other Worlds Curriculum to Teach Fantasy & Science Fiction Writing

Other Worlds is the science fiction and fantasy expansion module from One Year Adventure Novel by Daniel Schwabauer.

Ethan, our 11th grader, has been working with the curriculum for a year.

I asked him for his take on the program and here’s what he said:

  • One Year Adventure Novel (OYAN)– has to be completed first. The Other Worlds curriculum is based on the original OYAN and referencing the original lessons is helpful as you go along.
  • The Tools Are There to Be a Finisher– You still need to bang out twelve chapters, but the OYAN model is helpful in finishing your storytelling.
  • There’s a Basic Story Structure– Which is carried over from OYAN. Three acts with four defining scenes. The outlining of the events in your novel is important for the story.
  • History of the Genres– You’ll learn how science fiction and fantasy got their start and who the major players were.
  • What Makes Science Fiction & Fantasy?– There are 10 to 12 lessons devoted to what defines these genres.
  • Collision Course Anthology– Is a collection of stories and excerpts from fantasy and science fiction which help to illustrate Daniel’s lessons.
  • Community Forum– For students of OYAN & Other Worlds. This is a community of writers where you can get advice on developing characters, general writing tips, get help with story ideas, engage in novel critiques, contribute to a collective novel, etc.
  • Summer Workshops– Every summer OYAN students gather from all over to listen to seminars and work in critique groups to improve their writing and learn writer’s craft.

As the teacher and a mom I’ll add a few more tidibits I like about the curriculum:

  • Video Lessons– They are thorough and so well done. I enjoyed watching them with my student and I’m looking forward to seeing them again with Rebecca this year.
  • Great Talking Points– As you progress through the curriculum, there will be a lot of opportunity for discussion. This has been invaluable in our homeschool. We’ve talked about books- classics and modern and read even more. It’s been fun to talk about books and about life with our teens based on the lessons.
  • Engagement– Whether it’s the online community of teens or the regularly scheduled evening webinars and summer workshops, the author and his wife interact with and encourage your student as do the other students.

Science Fiction Writing Sample

Blog, She Wrote: Creating Other Worlds- Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction

Having completed the outline over the last school year as an elective, Ethan has been working on the novel.

I’m not sure it has a name yet, but the first chapter is complete.

He said I could share it with you all as long as I let you know it’s a work in progress!

This is the first three paragraphs of the first chapter.

Currently, he’s working on a prologue.

I woke with a start at the crack of lightning overhead, drowning the room in a flash of light. The whole house shook when the thunder came a moment later. The rain pelted down, making little ‘ting’ sounds as it hit the roof and gutters. A dull roar built up in my head; each raindrop seemed to increase the pressure inside. With a sigh I pulled the blankets up a little farther up and rolled over. A moment later I pushed them back down and rolled the other way. Another crack lit up the sky.

I looked at the clock. 11:43. It was still early. And the storms were as bad as they ever had been. There were no good explanations. No explanations at all, in fact. Except one.… Whispers, rumors moving through the populace. Tales of a people who- No, I thought. But there was no doubt that the storms were getting worse. And there was nothing the government could do this time.

I slipped my feet from underneath the covers and onto the hard wood floor. The old boards creaked as I put my weight on them. I tip-toed down the hall to the old study. My exhaustion vanished in there, I was able to sleep. Why can I sleep in here? But I didn’t really care why, I just came to rest. I closed the heavy door behind me and sat in my father’s armchair to wait out the night.

His writing has really matured over the last few years since he initially started OYAN in 8th grade.

It’s been enjoyable to watch the process.

These days he writes (even in the summer) about an hour a day on average, but he said it should be more.

I’m excited to see how his writing schedule takes shape this fall as he enters into a variety of writing courses.

Other Resources for Teaching Science Fiction & Fantasy Genres

Given that Ethan has such a profound interest in writing and literature, we’ve been taking advantage of opportunities as they come along.

  • Speculative Fiction Writing Workshop– At our local library. A local author is teaching “other world” writing through twice weekly gatherings for teens. At the end, their writing will be included in an anthology which is published.
  • Dystopian Literature Class– As part of our two hour, ten week co-op, Ethan is taking a dystopian literature class in which they will read and compare Fahrenheit 451 with The Hunger Games- a classic sci fi novel with a modern tale.
  • World of Imagination: Fantasy & Science Fiction Literature– Taught through The Potter’s School, these are two one semester courses. They will make the bulk of his English course for the year.

Do you have a student who loves to write stories?

Do you have a big fantasy and science fiction fan in your home?

Enjoy the journey with your student and engage in their world with them!

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  1. How cool! I love his writing. A young man (formerly homeschooled) wrote a book that he recently self-published via amazon kindle. It seems like the same genre and something your son might be interested in. I have not yet had a chance to read it, so I don’t know what sort of rating it would have as far as a young person reading it. Hopefully this link works- if not, let me know and I will email it.

    1. Thanks Laurie, I’ll have him take a look. That’s pretty cool! And thanks for the compliment on his writing. 🙂

  2. Jeff took a geography class in college that sounds like some of the foundational work for your son’s class, it was world building. They had to design the geography, major governments, religions, a brief history outline. It was fascinating to learn and read about.

    It sounds like your son is going to love this year of writing, and I have to admit I kinda want to take that class too.

    1. Ticia. Ethan took a class like that too called create a country. Cool stuff. He is excited for this year!

  3. I’m an English teacher who taught in the public schools for several years and am now at a Christian school, although I definitely plan to homeschool in the future, especially after meeting several great homeschooling families from my church. Thanks for sharing such great thoughts and insights into writing! I will certainly keep them in mind for when I become a parent!

    1. Michael, you are welcome and I hope your start to homeschooling is as exciting as it’s been for us!

  4. This is GREAT – I’m so glad you shared this! My daughter, who is 14, is a big reader of sci-fi and fantasy and just started writing her own. She’s grown a ton as a writer through doing so and I bet she’ll love this.

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